Growing our community with an amazing new partnership

As members of the Good Business community we all know that capital-C Community is one of the most important things when it comes to our successes. It’s with this idea in mind that we are delighted to announce something new.

A new collaboration. A new partnership. A new extension of our community.

Welcome to #EthicalHour.

At a time when focussing on the progress of your business can feel like a stretch, it’s never been more important for ethical, sustainable communities to come together. #EthicalHour is the UK’s fastest-growing sustainability community. It shares our ethos of supporting businesses as they operate sustainably, ethically, morally and socially. They share news on global environmental issues, working sustainably, and offer training around green living & eco-action.

The partnership with #EthicalHour creates an opportunity for us to extend our reach; creating deeper connections within both our networks, designing a wider range of meaningful events, and building stronger foundations of support for every member.

“What does it mean for me as a GBC member?”

All GBC members will be able to access #EthicalHour’s award-winning library of resources; everything from brand, marketing, and sales through to creating space for impact in your business.

Another major development is that all members can request a place in The #EthicalHouse Accelerator where you can receive 1:1 support, mentoring, and coaching from industry experts and thought leaders.

We’ll be sharing details of all the new offers and resources very soon!

For members of the #EthicalHour Accelerator, we are opening up our networking opportunities (Networking for Results and Good Business Meetups) plus a brand-new programme of co-created events which will come later in the year.

We understand that - for many businesses - focusing where you channel your efforts and energies can feel daunting which is why we believe so deeply in partnerships like this. It allows us to share knowledge, resources and support for one another in ways beyond what we can achieve in isolation.

Both #EthicalHour and The Good Business Club are looking forward to creating this space for every member this year and beyond.