From Networking Rookie to Pro: How Shifting Your Mindset Can Transform Your Approach

What is the difference between a rookie and a pro when it comes to networking? You might think it’s about characteristics or experience, but you’d be wrong. We want to share how simple mindset shifts can transform what networking could mean for you and your venture.

To unpack this, let’s start at the very beginning. What does networking mean to you and what does that look like? What comes to mind? A room full of new faces? Coffee and croissants? People talking at you about things that don’t matter? Being sold at? A collection of business cards that you never look at again?

What if I was to say that you don’t ever have to go to one of those events ever again and instead you could spend the time interacting with like-minded people to exchange information, mutually support each other and develop meaningful relationships? Does that fill you with more joy and excitement? Would you prefer to do this over the last scenario? Well, what I’ve described is actually Oxford Dictionaries’ definition of networking.

So how have we gone from associating something that we would be more than happy to dedicate time to, to something that repels us? In short, as with many things in the world of business, there are bad examples that put us off. But I am here to tell you that networking is so much more than just attending events, it’s more than just selling, and if you are open to shifting your mindset on what it means to network effectively, you can unlock something huge for your own experience developing your business, as well as the potential for your venture.

So if you are someone who is attending events, is reaching out to people on social media, or maybe you’ve got a community making introductions to you, here are three ways you can shift your mindset today and transform your networking experience:

Play the long-game

If all you are focused on is making a quick sale, you are probably not experiencing much luck when it comes to networking. And you know why? People can feel it and it’s a repellant. The biggest mindset shift you can make is thinking about the opportunities that will come your own in the future, rather than quick wins. Take a moment and think about that. How might you change the way you show up if you believed there might be a bigger win to gain in the future? Treating every interaction that way changes my energy and not only is the conversation more enjoyable for me in the moment but it’s also led to some fantastic opportunities down the line.

Focus on being of service not selling

Following on from the last point, good selling is actually about listening and understanding if you can serve someone else. So get curious and start asking questions, rather than talking about what you do. Discover how you might be able to help someone and you’ll find you’ll have much more valuable conversations that could lead to a sale later on down the line. And if you’re worried that all you have to offer is your paid-for service, don’t underestimate the power of connections. Who might you be able to connect that person with to help solve their challenge? If you’re helpful, you’ll be a much more powerful relationship with people who will want to support you when you need it.

Don't write people off

Following this, we come to the most common challenge we face when we meet people. Writing people off. We might already have asked some questions or done some research and we believe this person is of no value to us and what we are up to, so you don’t give them the time of day. But what if that person is best friends with someone who could unlock some resources for you? What if they have a network of people who are your ideal customer? What if they were one conversation away from a game-changing opportunity? I’ve had too many experiences with people that has led to something of huge value down the line which I couldn’t have predicted when I met them. Don’t be your own barrier and start being more open-minded.

Now, if all you are doing when it comes to networking is attending events, these three mindset shifts should bring some inspiration of how else you can lean into your existing community to tap into the resource you’ve created for yourself:

Fill knowledge and experience gaps

Do you feel a sense of responsibility and pressure to know what you doing in all parts of your business? Same! But the more I’ve talked to other good business owners (and I’ve talked to thousands) I realise that everyone feels the same and that pretending like you’ve got it all sorted is just stopping you from accessing invaluable insights to help you actually do a good job of running your venture. If you are stuck with something, or you would like to pick someone’s brains on an area of their business, there are people out there who are eager to help. Ask for what you need.

Learn from your peers

Specialist knowledge is important, but so are the lessons you can learn from others who are out there fighting the same fight as you. You may have already realised when talking to friends and family that no one truly understands your experience more than other business owners. They are experiencing the same challenges, they have had the same blindspots, and they know what fears are holding you back. A conversation with a peer can be as transformational as a coaching session or bringing in a consultant, don’t undervalue this unique relationship.

Share your challenges

This leads to the final mindset shift which is probably the hardest one. When things are going great, it’s easy to shout out and celebrate. When things aren’t so good, we’d all rather hide away and figure it out on our own. But this is the very moment we should be reaching out to our community and getting help. Getting out of our own heads. Soundboarding with someone else. Getting a different perspective. Getting some help to take action. Most businesses fail because we are too worried to reach out when we need it the most. If you feel like you’ve cracked all the other mindset shifts, I invite you to really take this one on today. What is your biggest challenge right now and who could help you with it? Reach out to them and have an honest conversation.

Shifting your mindset and approaching networking as a chance to connect and grow can be a game changer for your business. So whether you're a networking rookie or a seasoned pro, take a deep breath, step out of your comfort zone, and try something different today. We believe in you!


The Author

Sara is an impact-entrepreneur, good business optimist, and startup mentor, including co-founding The Good Business Club and most recently Second Voice Pro.  When she’s not banging the drum for purpose-led business, you can find Sara racing around tracks on a sidecar or breaking the taboo around mental health.


Networking, Good Business Club-style

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