The Art of Networking: How to Leverage Networking Groups for Long-Term Success

If you are considering joining a networking group and are wondering how to make the most of the investment, read on for some tips on how best to use the community to create opportunities for your venture.

Networking is a powerful tool for building relationships and growing your business. However, many people make the mistake of thinking of networking as simply a way to find new clients or customers. While this is certainly one benefit of networking, it's important to think long-term and focus on building relationships rather than just looking for short-term wins.

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Stop looking for your ideal customer only

One of the keys to making the most of your membership in a networking group is to avoid the common trait of writing people off just because they aren't your ideal client. It's easy to dismiss someone who doesn't fit your ideal customer profile, but you never know who they know or how they might be able to help you in the future. Instead, approach every networking opportunity with an open mind and be willing to connect with a wide range of people.

Focus on giving, not just taking

Another important aspect of networking is to focus on being the person who adds value to others. Instead of just looking for opportunities to sell your products or services, think about how you can help others. Share your expertise, offer to make introductions, or simply be a good listener. When you focus on adding value to others, you'll find that they are more likely to want to work with you and recommend you to others.

Networking is a long-term game

Finally, it's important to be consistent in your networking efforts. Building relationships takes time and effort, and you won't see results overnight. But if you make a point to attend networking events regularly, stay in touch with the people you meet, be part of conversations and continue to add value to others, you'll find that your networking efforts pay off in the long-term.


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Focus on being the person who adds value to others
— Sara Osterholzer

Networking is a powerful tool for building relationships and growing your business. By thinking long-term, not writing off people just because they aren't your ideal client, and focusing on being the person who adds value to others, you can make the most of your membership in a networking group and build the connections you need to succeed.


The Author

Sara is an impact-entrepreneur, good business optimist, and startup mentor, including co-founding The Good Business Club and most recently Second Voice Pro.  When she’s not banging the drum for purpose-led business, you can find Sara racing around tracks on a sidecar or breaking the taboo around mental health.


Networking, Good Business Club-style

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