The good, the bad, and the ugly: Etiquette around Email Introductions

In the digital age, email introductions have become the cornerstone of modern networking. These electronic handshakes hold the potential to bridge gaps, amplify opportunities, and lay the foundation for meaningful collaborations. However, like any art form, there exists a spectrum of practices – from the exemplary to the cringe-worthy – that can shape the trajectory of your networking endeavors.

The Good: Crafting Connections that Count

Email introductions, when executed with finesse, have the power to create lasting impressions. When initiating an introduction, ensure you have a clear understanding of each party's interests, objectives, and potential synergies. Craft a thoughtful and succinct email that highlights the shared values and potential benefits of the connection, setting the stage for a meaningful exchange.

The Bad: The Art of Receiving

Being on the receiving end of an introduction carries its own set of responsibilities. Acknowledge the introduction with gratitude and a prompt response, showing genuine enthusiasm for the potential connection. Take the initiative to initiate a conversation, demonstrating your commitment to exploring shared opportunities. By taking an active role, you honor the introduction and strengthen the relationship with both parties.

The Ugly: Avoiding Email Introduction Faux Pas

While email introductions hold immense potential, they can also backfire if not approached with care. Avoid neglecting introductions, responding late, or failing to honor the connection. These missteps can lead to missed opportunities and hinder the establishment of meaningful relationships.Thought Leadership: Elevating Conversations 

In the symphony of email introductions, etiquette serves as the conductor that guides the harmonious exchange of potential and collaboration. As members of The Good Business Club, we champion the values of respect, authenticity, and purpose in all our interactions. By embracing the intricacies of both introducing and being introduced, we pave the way for a network built on genuine connections and shared growth.

Remember, the path to forging connections is a nuanced dance. Whether crafting introductions that resonate positively or navigating the intricacies of those you receive, let us embody the spirit of purposeful networking – where introductions are the gateway to a world where people, planet, and profit intertwine harmoniously.


The Author

Sara is an impact-entrepreneur, good business optimist, and startup mentor, including co-founding The Good Business Club and most recently Second Voice Pro.  When she’s not banging the drum for purpose-led business, you can find Sara racing around tracks on a sidecar or breaking the taboo around mental health.